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web maps ← Winwaed Blog

How to create an online map with a non-Mercator Projection: Part 2

In the first part of this article we created a WMS server of basemaps using an unconventional map projection (the Mollweide projection). In this second part, we shall implement the client side of the project, creating a working application that will plot user data on the basemaps.

How to create an online map with a non-Mercator Projection: Part 1

Previous articles in this series, discussed different coordinate systems and map projections available, and why different systems suit different applications (Part 1, 2). This was followed by a look at geostatistical and thematic maps where data areas and data densities are important (Part 1, 2, 3). Virtually all online map applications use the Mercator projection. ...

Map Projections and Coordinate Systems: Part 2

In the second part of this article, I shall look at map datums and coordinate systems. In the first half, published on Monday, I looked at different projection systems. As we saw in the first part, the map projection converts the curved surface of the Earth into a flat map. The datum is the model ...

Map Projections and Coordinate Systems: Part 1

This two part article is intended as an introduction to map projections and coordinate systems. The second part of the article will be published on Wednesday. They start a new series of articles which I shall be publishing over the next few weeks. I shall look at different projections and coordinate systems, the inadequacies of ...