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maps ← Winwaed Blog

High Resolution Printed Maps

In the past we were able to offer high resolution printed MapPoint maps via a partnership with Mattys Consulting. Maps could be ‘wall sized’ whilst retaining full resolution; and supplied as printed paper, laminated, or as a PDF. Mattys Consulting are now able to offer these services again for Microsoft MapPoint, Caliper Maptitude, and other ...

Beware of Choropleth Maps!

Beware of Choropleth Maps!
I was recently experimenting with the new Maptitude data of 2018 Zip Code Business Counts. Free for existing customers, this data lists the total number of businesses by type (NAICS code) for every zip code in the USA. This data represents a huge number of data fields, and it is recommended that users read Caliper’s ...

Data Quality and Public Trust

I recently published a series of Maptitude maps of earthquakes. A couple of these mapped recent Oklahoma earthquakes against saltwater disposal wells. Much of the public commentary has blamed these earthquakes on hydraulic fracturing (aka “fracking”) by the oil industry. However the earthquakes do not correlate with the fracking in either time or space. Instead ...